5 Personal Blenders at the Top of Their Game

People still want their conveniences, but that doesn't mean everything has to be full size. A personal blender allows you to make your smoothies and have a drink container, without all the cleaning up that a full size blender takes. There are many to choose from, with many having the same options, which means you need an idea of what you're looking at when you go shopping. While not able to easily prepare meals for multiple people, such a blender can help people in their daily lives with less fuss. Decide on the brand and make life easier by cleaning less.

The different options mean that you can decide between portability, looks, or options. Many of the brands people can decide between are usually pretty easy to use, with one of the few primary drawbacks being finding the model that has the power to handle all needs. Most people will never notice this lack of power, as it only pertains to some foods. Any person looking for a personal blender is looking for either a better option for their lifestyle or a chance to make a smoothie easier. Almost all have the look that belongs in a modern kitchen, so if style is needed, it can take longer to find the right match.

Nutribullet Pro 900

Looking through multiple top-seller lists will show you how many love the Nutribullet, which shows why this is the top choice. The top two reasons to go with this brand are the price and how powerful the motor is, which handles a better variety more easily. The blender comes with two larger cups, which allows people to have more of their favorite smoothies they enjoy making. The lids have some headaches, but not enough to drop the rating of this popular brand. Many people will tell those considering the Nutribullet that this is the standard for other brands.

Magic Bullet

There is quite a bit to be said for a brand that is considered the easiest to clean, which the Magic Bullet proves to be. The brand has three different cups to help with the need for differing sizes of drinks or other blended foods. This blender has an attractive price point and ease of use that will be nice for those just starting out using personal blenders. While this option does not have the most powerful motor, most people will not notice unless they take on a bigger task. This helps keep it energy efficient.

SMEG Personal Blender

Many people want to have a modern kitchen while having an older feel, which is what an SMEG blender does. The brand has good power and has many reviewers commenting on the performance being a positive. People who want to have complete design choices, but have less bulky products, can look at the SMEG for their needs. Personal style is blended with quality, with two cups and several color choices for good palette help. The company is known for its quality, which has carried over to its consumer personal blender offering.

Zwilling Enfinigy

While most people will take a while to learn to pronounce the name, the Effinigy has a good mix of positives to make it a good choice. The brand has provided customers with a product that is easy to use, a simple enough design that is good for a modern design kitchen, and designed for easy cleaning. People who are looking for one of the better all around brands should look at what Zwilling has come up with. Those wanting to have a good experience day after day should consider the Enfinigy for their kitchen blending needs.

Ninja Blast

The Ninja Blast is the very picture of portability for personal blenders, with both a nice ease of use and a rechargeable battery. Someone can take this to work or the gym, which allows them to have even fresher smoothies or take care of specific dietary needs. The entire blender is one piece, which makes sure that customers do not lose any parts while making sure to allow people to still have a cup to drink from. Another aspect is that this is a solidly built device that is known to be sturdy, with just a few fewer options.

These five brands will allow someone to have anything they need, both in price and power. The options will allow someone to have what they need, no matter what they need in their life. It just takes someone doing a little research into exactly what they need, as most of these are built for them to be compact. Learning to cook is a great way to maintain a budget, which means the right tools will make this far easier. People with busy lifestyles will enjoy the fact they can blend in the container they will drink from, which allows for speed to be a factor. Consider what a personal blender will be used for and this helps the research become easier.