The 6 Best Tablets for 2024

The convenience of tablets goes without saying, as they allow many computer operations without the weight and mobility of phones, and without being tiny. People who want one need to decide what they want, as these devices have as many choices as any other developed technology candidate. Some people want to have a better way to view videos, so they are looking for better graphics ability. Others are using them to read and do work, which means they need solid devices that can allow themselves to be used in many ways. Tablets are becoming essentials in life, so here are 6 of the best for consumers.

Here is some information to help decide which device is best. There are three primary operating systems for these devices. Android is based on the Linux operating system, is less commercial, and is lighter weight than most other operating systems. Apple’s exclusive operating system is iOS, which means there is good crossover between all their devices. Windows goes on all Microsoft devices and is the most widely used operating system overall for commercial and private use. The next consideration to remember is what it will be used for. Entertainment and productive devices have different standards for what specifications are best, so keep that in mind when shopping.

All these devices are available on Amazon, which means that after considering these six devices here, that site has its own reviews. Devices listed here are normally some of the highest-rated devices in quality and ability to use for what people want. Each has its own positives and negatives, but all are known for their quality, which means people are willing to buy used devices when others can get newer models. Many other brands are available, but these are known for being some of the best in their categories.

Amazon Fire Max 11

This is the lowest end of the spectrum in price and video quality, but it is great for allowing people access to their Amazon accounts on all levels. People can use them as Kindle e-readers, a way to watch videos and play mobile games. The price is great for those who have never gotten such a device before, with a quality that is better than many brands that cost more. The Fire Max 11 has many saying that it is the best yet, which means the company has been listening to their customers and making the right improvements.

OnePlus Pad

Many reviewers like the Android OS OnePlus Pad, which comes from a company that's perfected their technology in smartphones. These tablets are known for good cameras, very good batteries, and a performance that can handle almost anything a person wants to do. The price point is lower than most other Android tablets, so this can be a good starter tablet for those wanting access to the popular mobile operating system. The ability to use Android programs, take good photographs, and have good technological options have most liking this device, with the only complaint being the speakers being of a lower quality than expected.

Microsoft Surface Pro 9

For people who want one of these devices that will allow them to be as productive sitting at a desk as they would be sitting in a park, the Microsoft Surface Pro 9 is the right choice. This tablet is made for performance, along with having the ability to interact with all the same workplace software they can at work. This device is as strong as some laptops, which does hinder some of the more agile performances that tablets are known for. The Surface Pro is a solid device for people looking for flexibility to go from work to relaxing.

Apple iPad

An iPad is known for the quality that it has built up over the years, with each model being better than the last. They are made for graphics without a heavier presence of software needs and hardware issues. A person can do work with it, or just sit there with their kids playing mobile games in the living room. Customers have shown to be loyal, which shows how good they are. There are different price levels, depending on what a person wants, but they are known to have good batteries, good cameras, and good processing ability.

Samsung Galaxy Tab S9

The Samsung Galaxy Tab is one of the higher-end Android devices that someone can get, which allows for a little better performance and options available. The display is raved about by many viewers, and it has a sealed build that keeps liquids and dust out better than other models. It can be a little pricier than their competition, but they are known for the quality that is paid for. Having an S9 means that a person wants flexibility with one of the higher-end Android devices. People do consider the highest quality in their category.

Amazon Fire HD 10 Kids Pro

The previous five devices were all able to be used by all family members, but they were not all kid-proof when it comes to damage. The Kids Pro starts out with a two-year warranty, in which Amazon says that if a kid can damage one, they will be replaced for free. There is a free one-year subscription for Amazon Kids+, which gives kids many ways to entertain themselves for hours without parents needing to worry about what they are being exposed to.

These were six tablets for those who were looking to decide on what would be best for their lifestyle. People can have the device that is best for them and be able to keep this model for at the very least a couple of years. Each of these six is known for that, while also having a strong following that will wait in line for the premiere of the newest models. People use these devices as entertainment, a way to capture family memories, and sometimes work. Each of them can handle these functions, but each has its little area that they are best known for.